Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Metabolomics Osaka, Japan.

Day 1 :

Keynote Forum

Petras Dzeja

Metabolomics NMRS Core, Mayo Clinic, USA

Keynote: 18O-assisted 31P NMR and Mass Spectrometry: from Phosphometabolomics to Fluxomics

Time : 09:01-09:30

Conference Series Metabolomics Congress 2016 International Conference Keynote Speaker Petras Dzeja photo

Petras Dzeja has completed his PhD from Kaunas Medical University, Lithuania and postdoctoral studies from Department of Biochemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN, USA. He is the Co-director of Metabolomics NMRS Core, at Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN, a world renown Medical Center. Metabolomics NMRS Core is part of Mayo Clinic Metabolomics Resource Center which is one of six metabolomics cores in USA funded by NIH. Dr. Dzeja has developed 18O-assisted 31P NMR and mass spectrometric phosphometabolomics technology and pioneered phosphotransfer network, phosphometabolomics and system bioenergetics concepts. He has published more than 80 papers in reputed journals and has been serving on editorial board of PLOS ONE as a metabolomics expert.


Evaluation of metabolomics phenotypes requires knowledge not only metabolite levels but also their turnover rates from which metabolic fluxes and status of the whole metabolic system can be deducted. In this regard, stable isotope 18O-based metabolite tagging technology provides quantitative measurements of metabolite levels and turnover rates of many metabolites which metabolism include water as a reactant, most notably phosphometabolites, amino and organic acids. Using this technology dynamics of over 10 major metabolic and signaling pathways can be tracked simultaneously, including ATP turnover, oxidative phosphorylation, glycolysis/glycogenolysis, Krebs and urea cycles pentose phosphate pathway and phosphotransfer reactions. The 18O labeling methodology is based on the incorporation of the 18O nuclei (from H218O), into metabolite group with each act of enzymatic reaction, and subsequent distribution of 18O-labeled groups among different molecules. Using this approach major metabolites and their turnover rates can be quantified in cells and tissue samples and whole blood by 18O-assisted 31P NMR and 1H NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. In this way obtained dynamic metabolomics profile appears to be sensitive indicator of energy and metabolic imbalances like the ones created by genetic deficiencies, myocardial ischemia, heart failure, aging and neurodegenerative disorders. Thus, 18O-assisted 31P NMR/mass spectrometry is a valuable tool for phosphometabolomic and fluxomic profiling of transgenic models of human diseases revealing system-wide adaptations in metabolic networks, as well as for biomarker identification in human diseases and metabolic monitoring of treatment efficacy and drug toxicity.

Keynote Forum

Lu Qi

Tulane University, USA

Keynote: Diet, amino acids profile, and diabetes risk

Time : 09:31-10:00

Conference Series Metabolomics Congress 2016 International Conference Keynote Speaker Lu Qi  photo

Dr. Lu Qi has completed his PhD from Tufts University and postdoctoral studies from Harvard University School of Public Health. He is Regents Distinguished Chair and Professor; and Director of Tulane University Obesity Research Center. He has published more than 190 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as Editor-in-Chief and an editorial board member for several journals.


Plasma branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs, including leucine, isoleucine, and valine) were recently related to risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D). We assessed associations between cumulative consumption of BCAAs and risk of T2D among participants from three prospective cohorts: the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS; followed from 1980 to 2012), NHS II (followed from 1991 to 2011), and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS; followed from 1986 to 2010). rnWe found higher total BCAA intake was associated with an increased risk of T2D in men and women. Recently, we examined the effects of weight-loss diets on long-term changes in plasma amino acids and the associations of these changes with weight loss and the improvement of insulin resistance in 2 randomized clinical trials, POUNDS LOST and DIRECT. In both trials, weight loss was directly related to the concurrent reduction of the BCAAs leucine and isoleucine and aromatic amino acid (AAA) tyrosine. In addition, we showed that reduction in AAA tyrosine was significantly related to improved insulin resistance, independent of weight loss, in both trials.rn

Keynote Forum

Ramon Cacabelos

EuroEspes Biomedical Research Center (CIBE), Institute of Medical Science and Genomic Medicine, Spain

Keynote: Nutritional Metabolomics in Aging and Neurodegeneration

Time : 10:30-11:00

Conference Series Metabolomics Congress 2016 International Conference Keynote Speaker Ramon Cacabelos photo

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Keynote Forum

Tsutomu Masujima

The Quantitative Biology Center (QBiC), RIKEN, Japan

Keynote: Single-cell metabolomics— Past, current, and future

Time : 10:00-10:30

Conference Series Metabolomics Congress 2016 International Conference Keynote Speaker Tsutomu Masujima photo

Masujimas research is primarily focused on analytical development in the fields of analytical chemistry and pharmacology. Constantly performing research from new perspectives, the professor recently established a new method (1) in direct cellular analysis which uses video-imaging and mass spectrometry, simultaneously. (2)Through this new method of analysis, the professor made it possible to view the movements of a single cell, not even 1 pl (3) in volume, and to directly analyze the thousands of types of molecules that lurk inside the cell at the exact moment that a change occurs, enabling a faster and more precise method of pinpointing exactly what those moving molecules are. This new method has been praised as something which will contribute greatly to the acceleration of life sciences and medicine, and in September of this year, was awarded the 2008 Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry Award.


Since cells behave individually, there needs to be a method to investigate cell metabolism at the single-cell or single-organelle level individually. Metabolites generate extensive peaks in mass spectrometry (MS), thus, these are good targets for analysis. However, even with this high sensitivity, single-cell metabolomics was hard to perform due to the tiny size of cells. The size of a typical mammalian cell is 10 µm; its volume is only 1 pico liter (pL). That may be the reason why only big cells, eggs, giant axons, and big plant cells, were the targets for the past single-cell metabolomics. Now, after live single-cell mass spectrometry has been proposed, in which 1 pL or less of single-cell content, or even an organelle, is directly sucked by a nanospray tip and fed into a MS after adding the ionization solvent. Hundreds to thousands of metabolite peaks are detected. These detected molecular peaks are aligned and analyzed using a t-test or principal component analysis to discern the specific identity of the cell or the precise internal location of the molecules. The peaks are finally annotated by MS/MS and/or data bases such as KEGG and MassBank. However, we should not be satisfied with this level of single-cell metabolomics. Metabolomics is only metabolomics. Metabolism may be the final stage of cellular activity along the journey of gene expression, but it is comprised of many necessary molecular mechanisms. Thus, we should improve single-cell metabolomics to be more comprehensive, i.e. detect not only the hydrophilic molecules but also the hydrophobic and neutral molecules. Furthermore, the method should be able to detect the activities of other molecules, such as proteins, mRNA, and DNA, to find essential pieces of molecular mechanisms. When we are able to understand what metabolomics is truly saying, metabolomics will become real metabolomics.

  • Track : 1 Metabolomic Profiling
    Track : 8 Clinical Metabolomics & Lipidomics
    Track : 9 Cancer Therapeutic Approaches


Petras Dzeja

Metabolomics NMRS Core, Mayo Clinic, USA



Björn Riefke

Bayer Pharma AG, Germany

  • Special Session
  • Track : 10 Plant & Environmental Metabolomics
    Track : 13 Food & Nutritional Metabolomics