Giulia Guerriero
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Giulia Guerriero is Associate Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Cytology, professor for the PhD School in Environmental Systems Analysis and the Advisory Board of the Center for Environmental Research (I.R.C.Env.) of the University of Naples Federico II. Her education is due to the PhD program in Evolutionary Biology and Comparative that followed the degree in Biological Sciences at the University Federico II and her research conducted in the United States of America (Thomas Jefferson University and Penn's Philadeplhia, Andrology Center of the Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, Oregon). She’s a member of the Working Group of the Italian Society of Biological Biomarkers Marine Biology; of the Center of Research Bioactive Peptides (CIRPeB) of the University of Naples Federico II; the Young Investigator Awards Judging Annual Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine, USA and Head of the Laboratory of Comparative Endocrinology (EClab) at the Department of Biology of the University of Naples Federico II. She is Associate Editor and member of the Editorial Board of international journals and member of several scientific societies. She collaborates with Italian and foreign researchers. Since 2011 she is representative of bilateral agreements between the University of Naples Federico II and Egyptians Universities and research centers of excellence. Her research papers, subject of wide dissemination and inviting as speaker at national and international conferences, have helped to define the correlation between oxidants and antioxidants in physiological defenses of embryonic and larval development of non-mammalian vertebrates and the role of steroidal neuroreceptors in the reproductive species and the importance of barcoding in the evaluation of species-specific responses. She is currently in charge of a scientific research project of national interest (PRIN) on the assessment of the health status of 'marine-coastal environment’, and an European applied research project (LIFE) for the development of protocols for the remediation of contaminated soils present in the Domitian-agro Aversa coast.
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