Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Saied Ali Barzanian
Sanford University and UC Berkeley University, USA
Keynote: Impact of Technology the future of learning about metabolomics and system biology
Time : 10:45-11:30

Over the past 40 years, He had worked for well-known American organizations such as world recognized institutions UC Berkeley University, Stanford University and ProQuest among others in Silicon Valley and the San Francisco bay area. He has diverse background in both academics and industries. As an e-book specialist and content editor he worked on a wide variety of e-books for well- known international universities, including Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, Yale, MIT, and UC Berkeley universities among others educational institutions, and large publishers including Penguin Random House, Elsevier, McGraw-Hill, Wiley and Oxford University Press, As a keynote speaker, He had successfully delivered 45 conferences including 7 talks, presentations at Stanford University and continue sharing my knowledge and experience to help people around the world. Earned achievement and recognition awards, prizes and scholarship.
When you just think about it, The digital world has changed our lives in every way. Education - the days when teachers used chalk, dusters, and blackboards are almost at an end. Black has turned to white, in the form of interactive whiteboards. The white chalk is now digital ink. Digital technology and e-learning made it easier than ever to understand and analyze faster and more efficient about metabolomics and systems biology. It provides the most comprehensive and effective instruction of how metabolomics has the potential to serve an important role in diagnosis and management of human conditions. Digital content has revolutionized the way people in medical field distribute and access information on virtually every platform. How medical Students Benefit from Learning with interactive e-books? The interactive learning market is growing.
Keynote Forum
Jaleel Kareem Ahmed
University of Babylon, Iraq
Keynote: Molecular interactions of polymethyl methacrylate, polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol, chitosan, cellulose and starch polymers with iodine
Time : 10:00-10:45

Jaleel Kareem Ahmed has completed his PhD from Baghdad University. He is the Dean of the Institute of Foundry and Hammering. He has registered 8 patents with 40 published papers and 3 books. He is a member in Who is Who network. He is a reviewer in Jon Wily and Sons and Editorial Board Member of Science Publishing Group and a member in Encyclopedia of Chemistry Scientists. He has got the Iraqi Scientist Medal. Currently, he is a Professor of physical chemistry in
the College of Materials Engineering , Babylon University, Iraq.
The interactions between Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA), Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) as industrial biopolymers and chitosan, cellulose, starch as natural biopolymers with iodine mixed by diethyl ether for homogenous solid mixture show a clear depression in the glass Transition Temperature (Tg) for all polymers as well as new colors appear except cellulose unaffected. It appears that cellulose molecules coated with a film prevent iodine to diffuse through the network structure of cellulose thus no effected its color or its Tg which indicates that molecular structure of cellulose quite different from that of starch and for this fact cellulose not soluble by a solvent and undigested in the human
body. The depression in the Tg values of polymers indicate that iodine ruptures the engineering bonds of the polymers. The most effected Tg is of chitosan (lowered by 40.23ËšC, this mean that iodine ruptures both hydrogen bonding through nitrogen and oxygen atoms in chitosan molecule. From Tg values it seems that iodine can acts as moderate plasticizer, by diffusing through the net of biopolymers and natural biopolymers ruptures their secondary bonds result in depression of their Tg except in case of cellulose. The order of Tg depressionchitosan>PMMA=starch>PVA>PEG>cellulose. From Tg values calculation of the energy given by the addition of iodine to the polymers was done. These energies are a function of iodine cause a depression in the original Tg of pure biopolymers 27.394>18.442=18.414>9.316>4.315>0 (kJ mol-1).
- Cancer Therapeutic Approaches
Session Introduction
Zheng Shuo Jin
Tsinghua University, China
Title: Effect of breast cancer treatment and improve by RSC001 treatment
Time : 11:50-12:30
Zheng Shuo Jin study in Tsinghua University Beijing China since 2014 majoring in the 8-year MD program in School of medicine. Since 2015 I joined professor Dong Wang’s Lab at Tsinghua University, research in breast cancer and epigenetics.
Breast cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form in the tissues of the breast. The most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma, which begins in the cells of the ducts. Cancer that begins in the lobes or lobules is called lobular carcinoma and is more often found in both breasts than are other types of breast cancer. Tamoxifen is a type of estrogen- suppressant, in several cases patients treated by Tamoxifen increased the risk rate for breast cancer, therefore, we hope to reduce the complications of endometrial cancer while treating breast cancer. Breast cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form in the tissues of the breast. The most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma, which begins in the cells of the ducts. Cancer that begins in the lobes or lobules is called lobular carcinoma and is more often found in both breasts than are other types of breast cancer. Tamoxifen is a type of estrogen- suppressant, in several cases patients treated by Tamoxifen increased the risk rate for breast cancer, therefore, we hope to reduce the complications of endometrial cancer while treating breast cancer.
In the early experiment we used High throughout screening technology select compounds from the drug library and sensitive to gene signature which related to T cell associated genes CXCL9, CXCL10, CXCL11. We discover that MDA-MB-231 human triple negative breast cancer cell treated by RSC001 can induce chemokines also affect expression of STAT genes, classic pathway JAK-STAT will affect chemokines expression, chemokines CXCL10 and CXCL11 will recruit CD8+ T cell for attacking tumor cell. Therefore, though the interconnections between the pathway and chemokines, we need to explore more about RSC001 target point in TNBC cell also the relationship with STAT pathways.
Hwa-Kyung Lee
Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
Title: Targeted toxicometabolomics of endosulfan sulfate in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) using multiple reaction monitoring mode of GC-MS/MS
Time : 12:30-13:10
Jeong Han Kim and his laboratory have expertise in trace level analysis of pesticide residue, hazardous substances, bioactive compounds and primary/ secondary metabolites. His group carries out studies on food safety, environmental safety, pesticide operator exposure, toxic or bioactive metabolite profiling and toxicometabolomics of pesticide.
Endosulfan sulfate (6,7,8,9,10,10-hexachloro-1,5,5a,6,9,9a-hexahydro-6,9 methano-2,3,4-benzodioxathiepin-3,3-dioxide) is a major oxidized metabolite of endosulfan which is a broad-spectrum chlorinated cyclodiene insecticide. In this study, we used a GC-MS/MS based targeted metabolomic approach using MRM of metabolite to elucidate the toxicological effects of endosulfan sulfate in adult zebrafish. Zebrafish were exposed to endosulfan sulfate at concentrations of 1/10 LC50 and LC50 for 24 and 48 hours. After exposure, the fish was homogenized with liquid N2, extracted with 50% MeOH solution and dried before TMS derivatization (MSTFA+1% TMCS). On GC-MS/MS (Shimadzu TQ8040) MRM library of 381 metabolites were used for screening to detect overall 170 metabolites in zebrafish whole body. The PLS-DA score plot (SIMCA-P+) showed a good separation between the three experimental groups (control, 1/10 LC50, LC50) of 48 hours samples. Based on the VIP and
ANOVA results, 60 metabolites were identified for contributing significantly to the differences in the metabolic profile. Metabolic pathway analysis using MetaboAnalyst 4.0 revealed that those identified metabolites were important for the organism response to endosulfan sulfate. Several pathways were reported by metabolic pathway analysis included aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis, valine/leucine/isoleucine biosynthesis, alanine/aspartate/glutamate metabolism, glycerolipid metabolism, arginine/proline metabolism, citrate cycle (TCA cycle), glycine/serine/threonine metabolism, glyoxylate/dicarboxylate metabolism and pentose phosphate pathway. These results suggest that these pathways underwent significant perturbations over the exposure period. This study highlights the application of GC-MS/MS (MRM mode) based targeted metabolomics to understand molecularlevel toxicity of persistent organochlorine pesticides and the results will contributed to the environmental risk assessment of endosulfan sulfate in zebrafish.
Laura Ceron Rincon
Nueva Granada Military University, Colombia
Title: Metabolic profiling of hydroponics-growing mint (mentha x peppermint var. Piperita) leaves under supercritical fluid extraction
Time : 14:10-14:50
Laura Ceron Rincon has her expertise in evaluation in plant grow and development under different nutritional conditions and different stress conditions, this evaluation was based in plant secondary metabolism, because plants produce a great number and complexity of secondary metabolites, this phytochemicals possess a variety of bioactivities. In other hand has her expertise in evaluation of microbial population’s role to understand how they respond to environmental conditions.
Hydroponics consists of production of plants through the supply of required nutrients for their growth and development in the appropriate proportions and under controlled conditions, allowing the nutrients variation directly related to the production and metabolic composition. Recently metabolomics is used for the analysis of quality and searching of useful compounds in food and pharmaceutical industry. Medicinal plants are also known as functional foods due to its high content in secondary metabolites with important medicinal properties can be considered in the treatment of diseases. These compounds include the flavonoids and the isothiocyanates, the latter are synthesized as product of glucosinolates hydrolysis. Peppermint is an aromatic plant with high benefit due to its phytochemical content, so studying its metabolic production in hydroponic systems comprises great interest and applicability. The main objective was therefore to analyze the variation of volatile compound profiles (obtained from supercritical fluid extraction) for mint leaves in hydroponics growing. This research was conducted to design and construct six hydroponic system, they were divided into three systems with standard nutrient solution and other three with nutrient solution+foliar salicylic acid (2 mM). As results, particular changes were found in the profiles of mint-derived volatile metabolites. These changes were mediated by the selective occurrence and/or content of some monoterpenes such as L-menthone, pulegone and terpenes such as menthol. The profiling of volatile metabolites could be an excellent tool to evaluate the mint quality in hydroponics growing. This work was supported by Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones at UMNG Project INV-CIAS-2542.
Michele Khoo
Covers Medical Tattooing, Singapore
Title: Art healing the mastectomy tattooing
Time : 14:50-15:30
Michele khoo has founder of COVERS, a paramedical micro-pigmentation service provider. COVERS are base in Singapore and is located at the Novena Medical Center. His profession involves using non-surgical medical tattooing to restore areolar and nipples after breast surgery. He hold an Australian certificate in paramedical micro-pigmentation and he has also certified in infection and disease control. In addition, he hold a certificate for semi-permanent cosmetics from Korea. He has been interviewed and published by reputable local newspaper, 5th May, 2019.
According to American Society of Plastic Surgery, over 106,000 breast reconstruction were performed in 2018. After Mastectomy, “body image altered is the most common psychosocial concern associated with breast cancer, (Mohammad, Khan, and Vanaki, 2018). However, very few people understand the effectiveness of a nipple-tattooing until they get one. Studies have shown that the nipple-areola complex has a high correlation with overall patient satisfaction and acceptance of body image, (Evans, Rasako and Lenert, 2005). Therefore, construction or recreation of a nipple –areola complex that matches the former state in terms of shape, size, and color enhances the effectiveness of the procedure in boosting the self-image of the mastectomy patient. 3D Areolar-nipple micro-pigmentation (tattooing) is safe, non-surgical, it has been endorsed and used for years by medical surgeons in the medical field. Areolar micro-pigmentation procedure is carried out by trained & certified personnel who works with micro-pigmentation (tattooing). Re-creates an illusion of 3D areola and nipples to make the surgical area look more realistic. To carry out the procedure, patients determine the size, shape and color of pigment which is introduced into the dermis layer of the skin with a medical-grade tattoo machine that penetrates slightly deeper. With the right technology, complete nipple areola-nipple complex can draw attention away from the reconstructed breast mound and boosts the confidence of the patient. Mastectomy scar’s appearance can be softened, blended or reduced by tattooing the areolar scar using corrective pigment camouflage techniques.
Gerald C Hsu
Eclaire MD Foundation, USA
Title: Methodology of math-physical medicine
Time : 15:30-16:10
Gerald C Hsu has received an honorable PhD in Mathematics and majored in Engineering at MIT. He attended different universities over 17 years and studied seven academic disciplines. His main focus is on preventive medicine using prediction tools. He believes that the better the prediction, the more control you have.
Math-Physical Medicine approach (MPM) utilizes mathematics, physics, engineering models and computer science in medical research. Initially, the author spent four years of self-studying six chronic diseases and food nutrition to gain in-depth medical domain knowledge. During 2014, he defined metabolism as a nonlinear, dynamic and organic mathematical system having 10 categories with 500 elements. He then applied topology concept with partial differential equation and nonlinear algebra to construct a metabolism equation. He further defined and calculated two variables, metabolism index and general health status unit. During the past few years, he has collected and processed 1.5 million data. Since 2015, he developed prediction models, i.e. equations for both Postprandial Plasma Glucose (PPG) and Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG).
He identified 19 influential factors for PPG and five factors for FPG. He developed the PPG model using optical physics and signal processing. Furthermore, by using both wave and energy theories, he extended his research into the risk probability of heart attack or stroke. In this risk assessment, he applied structural mechanics concepts, including elasticity, dynamic plastic and fracture mechanics, to simulate artery rupture and applied fluid dynamics concepts to simulate artery blockage. He further decomposed 12,000 glucose waveforms with 21,000 data and then re-integrated them into three distinctive PPG waveform types which revealed different personality traits and psychological behaviors of type-2 diabetes patients. Furthermore, he also applied fourier transform to conduct frequency domain analyses to discover some hidden characteristics of glucose waves. He then developed an AI Glucometer tool for patients to predict their weight, FPG, PPG and A1C. It uses various computer science tools, including big data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence to achieve very high accuracy (95% to
J. Eglītis
Latvijas Universitate, Latvia
Title: The impact of axillary lymph node evaluation on the prognosis of breast cancer patients
Time : 16:30 - 17:00
Janis Eglitis is Head Of Department with a demonstrated history of working in the medical practice industry and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) focused in Oncology and hematology from University of Latvia
Introduction & Aim: Breast cancer is the most common cancer type among women and also the most common cause of cancer related death in women worldwide, including Latvia. During the period from 2009 until 2016, the mortality rates in Latvia have increased from 20,7 to 23,3 per 100,000 inhabitants. Metastatic axillary lymph nodes are one of the important factors predicting prognosis of breast cancer patients. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the N ratio on patient survival.
Method: The study included 100 patients that had underwent mastectomy or breast conserving surgery with lymphadenectomy in the Oncology Centre of Latvia, from January-2010 until December-2011 with a diagnosis of breast cancer with positive axillary lymph nodes. Patients were divided into two groups according to the N ratio: N ratio 0,2 or ≥0,2.
Results: Comparing the five years overall survival a statistically significant difference between groups was found (p=0,033). In the group where the N ratio was <0,2, 5-year overall survival rate was 85%, as opposed to 64% in the group where the N ratio was ≥0,2. When comparing the 5-year relapse free period, a statistically significant difference between the two groups was also found (p=0,039), showing a relapse-free 5-year period in 83% of the patients in the group with N ratio <0,2 and 64% of the patients with N ratio ≥0,2.
Conclusion: Patients with lower N ratio have a greater overall survival and relapse free period compared to patients with higher N ratio. Therefore, N ratio is a significant factor influencing the survival prognosis of breast cancer patients.
Pedro M Rodrigues
University of Algarve, Portugal
Title: Establishment of farmed fish welfare biomarkers: A multiomics approach
Time : 16:30 - 17:00
Pedro M Rodrigues has completed his PhD in Chemistry from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He is currently working as a Professor at University of Algarve,
Portugal since 2000 and also a Member of the Center of Marine Science of the Algarce. He has published 44 papers in reputed journals, three book chapters and
has also been serving as an Editorial Board Member of Repute.
Fish is of increasing importance as a protein source in human diet. Farmed fish welfare is currently assessed using stress indicators such as the levels of cortisol, glucose and lactate in the blood plasma, but their reliability has been questioned due to high biological variability and fish adaptation processes. A multiomics approach can be a promisor strategy to discover reliable fish welfare biomarkers, since an integrated analysis can offer the possibility of understanding the complete flow of information in the fish biological system under stressful conditions. Our aim is to identify a restricted protein map as putative fish welfare biomarkers using proteomics, and integrate these results with complementary transcriptomics and metabolomics data, in order to validate these biomarkers as to achieve a global picture of the fish response to stress. Sparus aurata was reared under three different stressful conditions, in triplicate: overcrowding, repetitive net handling (air exposure) and hypoxia, using fish reared under optimal conditions as control.
Method: Fish were sampled after 45 days of trial and protein extracts were prepared from liver samples. Proteins were separated by 2D-DIGE and identified by MALDI-TOF/TOF MS. Putative welfare biomarkers were then chosen based on their stressrelated function, fold-change, score and other parameters and used for primer design. Total RNA was extracted from liver
samples using Trizol® reagent, with DNase treatment, and used for cDNA synthesis.
Results: The mRNA levels of the target genes were assessed by real-time PCR. Comparative proteomics show, in the liver, a total of 147 differentially expressed proteins among conditions, from which 24 were indicated as putative welfare biomarkers and chosen for their transcription level analysis.
Conclusion: This joint analysis provides a starter point for the development of more reliable fish welfare assessment measures
to improve aquaculture sustainability.
Ayesha W Khan
National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan
Title: Qualitative modeling of TGF beta-associated biological regulatory network: Insight into renal fibrosis
Time : 16:30 - 17:00
Ayesha Waqar Khan is currently a Researcher who works in collaboration with Jamil Ahmad to model biological regulatory networks of various signaling pathways. Her area of expertise is system biology at Research Centre for Modeling and Simulation (RCMS), NUST, Pakistan. She has supported numerous studies involving BRNs and predicted model verification. Kinetic logic used in this study is a qualitative modeling approach that is incredibly constructive in the study of biological feedback systems. It is an easily accessible method that considers time and thresholds of activity as a suitable method for building simplified models.
Kidney fibrosis is an anticipated outcome of possibly all types of progressive Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Epithelial- Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) signaling pathway is responsible for production of matrix-producing fibroblasts and myofibroblasts in diseased kidney. In this study, a discrete model of TGF-beta and CTGF was constructed using René Thomas formalism to investigate renal fibrosis turn over. The kinetic logic proposed by René Thomas is a renowned approach for modeling of Biological Regulatory Networks (BRNs). This modeling approach uses a set of constraints which represents the dynamics of the BRN thus analyzing the pathway and predicting critical trajectories that leads to a normal or diseased state. The molecular connection between TGF-beta, smad2/3 (transcription factor) phosphorylation and CTGF (Connective Tissue Growth Factor) is modeled using GenoTech. The order of BRN is CTGF, TGF-B and smad3 respectively. The predicted cycle depicts activation of TGF-B (TGF-β) via. cleavage of its own pro-domain (0, 1, 0) and presentation to TGFR-II receptor phosphorylating smad3 (smad2/3) in the state (0, 1, 1). Later TGF-B is turned off (0, 0, 1) thereby activating smad3 that
further stimulates the expression of CTGF in the state (1, 0, 1) and itself turns off in (1, 0, 0). Elevated CTGF expression reactivates TGF-B (1, 1, 0) and the cycle continues. The predicted model has generated one cycle and two steady states. Cyclic behavior in this study represents the diseased state in which all three proteins contribute to renal fibrosis. The proposed model is in accordance with the experimental findings of the existing diseased state. Extended cycle results in enhanced CTGF expression through smad2/3 and smad4 translocation in the nucleus. The results suggest that the system converges towards organ fibrogenesis if CTGF remains constructively active along with Smad2/3 and Smad4 that plays an important role in kidney fibrosis. Therefore, modeling regulatory pathways of kidney fibrosis will escort to the progress of therapeutic tools and real-world useful applications such as predictive and preventive medicine.
- Metabolomics and System Biology | Plant and Environmental Metabolomics | Food Metabolomics
Location: The Westin Miyako Kyoto
Session Introduction
Kieu Oanh T Nguyen
Title: Widely targeted metabolomics profiling of methanolic extracts from roots and leaves of Pteris vittata L
Kieu Oanh T Nguyen research interests are on center on small molecule measurements and Metabolomics in plants and thus span the fields of Plant Biology, Chemistry and Bioinformatics. Her activities focus on novel method development and integration between these fields. Her expertise is in the development of screening pipelines for small molecule extraction, isolation and derivatization where necessary, chromatographic separation (liquid and gas chromatography) and detection including mass spectrometry.
Statement of the Problem: Pteris vittata L., a common fern known as Chinese Brake Fern, is native from China and widespread all over the world including Vietnam. It received much attention in recent years because it was known to be a hyper-accumulator plant of arsenic used in phytoremediation. It is also widely used in traditional Chinese medicine for therapeutic applications, such as the treatment of influenza, dysentery, rheumatism, injury and scabies. Previous qualitative phytochemical screening studies on P. vittata have showed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, resins, glycosides and triterpenoids groups in the crude extract of this species. However, it still attracts little attention on its chemical constituents or bioactivities recently. Hence, we attempt to obtain complete metabolite profiling of P. vittata to provide more information about its chemical constituents in this experiment.
Method: Widely targeted metabolomics which is an innovative high-throughput analysis to extend plant metabolites detection based on the optimal single reaction monitoring conditions in triple quadrupole mass spectrometry of thousands authentic compounds in the library, and thus to relative quantify their levels in samples. This sensitive method was applied for 35 root extracts and 35 aerial part methanolic extracts of P.vittata.
Results: In total, 396 metabolites were identified over the limit of detection including 263 primary metabolites and 133 secondary metabolites. Noticeably, the large amount of flavonoids (74), cinnamic acids and derivatives (13), benzoic acids and derivatives (8), coumarins (5), stilbenoids (2), and other phenols (8) change radically our view of this title plant metabolite profile and potentially contribute to the pharmacological activity of P. vittata extracts.
Conclusion: Metabolite profiles of P. vittata which has been reported for the first time can provide comprehensive information for the quality evaluation and further exploitation potential of the plants under study.
Subrahmanyam Vangala
ReaGene Biosciences Private Limited, India
Title: Genomics versus metabolomics in disease diagnosis
Subrahmanyam Vangala is currently Founder and Chief Executive Officer at ReaGene Biosciences Private Limited, Bangalore, India. He is an experienced Pharma Scientist and Executive with more than two decades of leadership experience with increasing responsibilities, at global pharma in USA (Wyeth, JNJ, Purdue Pharma and the Shire) and Contract Research Organizations in India (Sai Life and Advinus). He completed his PhD degree from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. His current research interests include developing in vitro 3D human models of translational pharmacology and toxicology research for improved clinical translation and use as alternatives to animals in research.
Aim: To study the genomics versus metabolomics in disease diagnosis. This study focuses on metabolomics in disease diagnosis and how a combined genotype-phenotype approach can help in accurate disease diagnosis, especially in the early stages of disease.
Method: Despite many technological advances, accurate diagnosis of diseases, it is a major stumbling block in the medical world for an effective precision care for the patient. Disease takes as many as two decades to be detected and the late stage diagnosis are left untreated with many billions of dollars are wasted in patient care. The primary reason is the biology of initiation and progression mechanisms of diseases are far too complex with silent cascade of events over two decades without any major symptoms and thus disease can escape from early diagnosis. Conventional late stage disease diagnosis is aided
by MRI, CT scans, histopathologic analysis of biopsies combined with clinical chemistry but without any curable treatment options. Thus, unfortunately, many a time’s only invasive surgical interventions are applied for the treatment, prolonging the life of the patient, with unaffordable treatment options.
Result: Discovery of novel medicines is also hampered by the complexity of biology of disease progression. In the last two decades, genomics centered diagnostics have become the major focus for identifying disease, but their applications in the medical world for accurate disease diagnosis is still far from reality. In addition, genetic diagnosis is identifying far many mutations in a disease, for example 800 plus mutations in autistic disorders leaving scientific communities perplexed.
Conclusion: Discovering novel early targets of disease initiation process is very crucial and thus amenable for prophylactic
treatments to prevent disease progression.
Prakash Kinthada is a professor at Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, JNTU University, India.
Cancer is a dreadful disease and any practical solution in combating this disease is of paramount importance to public health. Cancer patients have burdened by drug induced toxic side effects, and no turned to seek help from the complementary and alternative medicine hoping for a better cure. Research on Platinum based drugs and Non Platinum based drugs is a Multi-Million Dollar Industry in USA and there is every need to produce safe drugs for the cure of this monstrous disease. Flavonoids have a long history of use in traditional medicines in many cultures. The phytochemical, curcumin is one of the major dietary flavonoid, belonging to a group of flavonol, Curcumin is a natural polyphenol. It is highly potential molecule capable of preventing and treating various cancers. Various dietary chemo preventive agents, turmeric powder or its extract are broadly used as therapeutic preparations in Indian System of medicine. We provide a summarized synthesis and structural determination of Curcumin Oxime, Curcumin Thiosemicarbazone derivative of Gold (III) complex. The use of these analogs for prevention of cancer tumor progression and treatments of human malignancies. A pharmacologic agent for treating and/ or preventing cancer, among other diseases and conditions, and particularly breast, prostate and pancreatic cancer, in humans and animals. The novel pharmacologic agent is an isoflavonoid or isoflavonoid mimetic covalently attached to a cytotoxic pharmacophore that, preferably has the ability to conjugate with a metal salt to form a more potent metal complex, particularly a Au (III) complex and other complexes of Platinum, Palladium, Ruthenium, Copper etc. My talk would mainly encompass different Transition Metal Complexes/Organometallic Compounds that are presently used as drugs, especially Anticancer and Anti-HIV drugs, apart from Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Antibacterial and diseases like Arthritis and Parkinson’s Disease
etc. The talk would mainly focus on the use of Medicinal Chemistry and it’s application to Drug Design and Development in Pharmaceutical Industry, especially transition metal complexes and Organometallic Compounds viz. Gold, Platinum, Palladium And Ruthenium apart from Copper, Cobalt, Iron, Nickel, Zinc, Cadmium etc. The main emphasis of my talk would be on Different class of Ligands, their Schiff ’s Bases and Transition Metal Complexes especially Au, Pt, Pd and Ru, with the main aim of designing, developing very novel small molecules, as possible and extremely potential candidates as Anti-cancer and Anti-HIV drugs. The talk would provide an overview of current programs being undertaken in our laboratories, especially
focused on the development of potent ligands capable of recognizing Binding sites and diverse strategies employed by my group for elucidation of Anti-Cancer and Anti-HIV drug Leads to Circumvent the problem caused by Cis-Platin.We have synthesized and characterized several phytochemicals from Traditional Medicinal Plants and isolated some phytochemicals and made the
corresponding Oximes, Thiosemicarbazones and Substituted thiosemicarbazones as ligands and synthesized, characterized, structurally elucidated their Transition Metal Complexes especially with Gold, Platinum, Palladium, Ruthenium, Copper etc. and Studied their Anticancer Activity, Nuclease activity etc. and tested their potential as Anticancer Drugs. The main aim of our extensive/preclinical Pharmaceutical development program is to investigate the use of these extremely novel small molecules-metal complexes/compounds of phytochemicals, flavanoids etc., which have very interesting structural features and properties and hence are excellent candidates as Anti-Cancer and Anti-HIV drugs .The main aim of our research is Design, Development and Synthesis of Transition Metal Complexes/ Organometallic Compounds that would certainly help to bring this force of nature from BENCH to BEDSIDE and enhance Cancer Killing with less toxic effects and would certainly lead to initiation of clinical trials.